<h1>Business Planning Workshop, Strategy Workshop - Best Growth Consultant UK</h1>

eCommerce business not growing as fast as you'd like? Let's get you back on track.

 It's time to create your personalised 3 year business growth plan.

Start scaling up your business, EVEN if don’t know where to begin. We'll help you decide the EXACT steps needed to grow your business ...

If we asked for your step by step plan to drive fresh sales in the next 90 days, do you have one?  

What about a growth plan for the next 3 years? 

If you don't have a clear roadmap for growth, you will waste precious time, investment funds and resources "flying blind".

You need our Virtual Business Strategy Workshop.


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Why is business growth planning so important?

Strategy workshop business planning

Developing a business plan is a vital tool for any business, yet new research from Barclays Bank reveals that 1 in 4 entrepreneurs don’t have any strategy in place to support their business growth.

Strategy workshop business planning

Companies that do plan for growth get results - Did you know you could grow 30% faster than those in your industry who don’t plan?

Burke, A., Fraser, S., & Greene, F. J. (2010). The multiple effects of business planning on new venture performance. Journal of Management Studies, 47(3), 391-415.

Strategy workshop business planning

Fast-growing companies usually have their business growth plans documented - they write it down!

In fact, 71 % of the fastest-growing companies have formal business plans.

Journal of Small Business Management,39(1), 60-72.

Ready to create yours?

Business Planning Workshop, how to grow my business, best business advisor and mentor uk

Before we tell you about our strategy workshop and how we create your growth plan - let's talk about who this is really for...

  • You are a Product Based Business, which means you have physical or digital products to sell.
  • You have been running your business for at least 2 years and are now past being a start up.
  • You are ideally trading sales of £1m+ or on the fast track for growth.
  • The journey to date has been mainly self-funded (rather than VC backed).

As someone who has created your own product or brand you are now seeking:

  • A clear plan for growth
  • Fresh ideas and new market opportunities,
  • More sales and traffic,
  • To fix the problems and growth blockers in your business
  • To check you are headed in the right direction!


Business Planning Workshop, how to grow my business, best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk

If this is you - then you already know that you'll run a whole lot faster with someone showing you the exact steps required to get that growth. 

strategy workshop UK best strategy advisor for growth planning

You want practical activities you can start implementing today.

female business coach UK and ecommerce mentor UK best business advisor

You need someone who has been there and done it – an expert who already knows what works ...and what doesn’t.

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"One of the greatest values of a mentor is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination."

Whether you are selling on your own website and via marketplaces, or exploring wholesale to other retailers and distribution accounts globally,

You are:

  • Frustrated at your current pace of growth or in need of a “Revival”
  • Experiencing Sales or Product under performance
  • Not sure what to do next to get growth
  • Not clear what to prioritise and work on first - both in terms of time and investment
  • Sensing, but you don’t really know, why Customers aren't buying at the rate or scale expected
  • Feeling overwhelmed and slightly exhausted by your business journey to date
Strategy workshop - how to grow my business, ecommerce business planning for growth
Business Planning Workshop, how to grow my business, best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk

But you're not done yet...

You want more from your business. You want to flourish.

You are looking for clear, actionable steps you can follow to get growth. You want a genuine expert to lead and show you the way.

We can see that you're ambitious - that you aspire to be a global brand and have your products selling worldwide. You dream about developing major accounts and being visible in all the major stores and platforms for your industry.

We get that you want to share your values system and mission which sits alongside the reason why you developed the product in the first place.

Yes… that’s right… You want to make an impact. 

If this is you - then you are the right place! You are exactly where you are meant to be. This business planning workshop has been specifically designed just for you…

  Book Your FREE Call

By the end of this Strategy Workshop,

you will have…


  • A 3 Year Roadmap For Growing Your Business

    Throughout the workshop we will work to set a clear strategic direction for your business. This includes a physical roadmap output, covering the EXACT growth activities for the next 3 years
  • A 90 Day Sprint Plan for immediate action, starting tomorrow!

    Once you have completed the workshop, you will KNOW the exact steps you need to take tomorrow morning to start that growth journey... with detailed actions captured for you to implement over your next Quarter. 
  • Visibility of all the possibilities and market opportunities

    This workshop is designed to help you explore new growth strategies and uncover fresh ideas and opportunities you haven't previously considered. To include expanding into international markets, exploring a new niche strategy, developing new product lines and pursuing new sales channels. 
  • Identified the gaps and growth blockers that are holding you back.

    You will know what great looks like for your industry and, importantly, the gaps you need to address. During the workshop we also diagnose your growth blockers and create a plan to fix these, so that you can scale up with ease. 
  • Confidence To Start Talking To Investors, Funding Platforms & Banks.

    Once you've completed the Strategy Workshop, you will be sure of your growth plan and well prepared to open up discussions on what growth funding is available for you. Having a strategic roadmap gives you the courage to pursue bigger growth ambitions.
  • Certainty You Are Working On The Right Things and Prioritising What's Important.

    When you grow a business there are so many things to worry about that it can all get a bit much.  Using our simple, step by step approach and proven methods we help you sort out what you really need to focus on, to get your business soaring. 


But above all else...

This Strategy Workshop will give you

  • Incredible Momentum To Grow Your Business

    When you know you have done the deep, structured thinking about your business strategy and direction and you've considered all the angles -  it builds total confidence and energy for success. You will have put in place great foundations for the future.
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After the Strategy Workshop you will feel:

 A renewed perspective on your business and a sense of revival
 Motivated and on the up, back in love with your business.
Like momentum is building again
Crystal clear on where you are going (longer term),
You'll know for certain what to prioritise and work on first.
You will finally have a plan to create a growing, profitable business that rewards you.
Growing my ecommerce business, best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk

Jess P.

- Tech Platform Founder (Retail) - 

" Emma is a growth genius and I am so glad we have received her advice. If we had not taken the plunge, it would have taken us at least a year to get to where we got to in one session, excellent value for money!

Emma is a dynamic and knowledgeable consultant, pulled from her years of experience from both owning and operating businesses and overseeing many different companies growth strategies.

I was concerned that it was too soon to invest in something like this, but it was the best decision I may possibly ever make for our business. We are now set up for success and we have a clear roadmap of what we need to do to achieve our goals. 

Emma is very practical and really got to the deep roots of what our business is about, which has meant our messaging is also much clearer, which is going to make a massive difference."


  Book Your FREE Call


What’s inside a Strategy Workshop?

Join Emma on a zoom call for a half day session (whole morning or afternoon), dedicated to you and your business. 

We will create a strategic plan to grow your unique product based business.

Your Strategy workshop agenda is therefore tailored to your specific business model and the unique challenges you are facing.  The outputs from this session are designed to give you a very real, practical, plan of action to move you forward with certainty and momentum.  

We will discuss the exact workshop structure prior to the session, however typically most Strategy Workshops follow this proven agenda:

Section 1: Business Diagnostic

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to get to?
  • Identifying the gaps and growth blockers that are holding you back.
  • What business do you REALLY want to build (personal objectives, balance vs. ambition)?
  • Industry Icons + their path to success

Section 2: Deep Dive: Achieving Sales Growth

  • Sales channels (how and where you will sell)
  • Marketing pillars for growth
  • Scaling your operations

Section 3: Market Visibility + Opportunities

Section 4: Developing a 3 year plan: Your Practical Roadmap

Section 5: Creating an immediate 90 Day Sprint Plan

how to Grow my ecommerce business, best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk
Female Business Coach Helped To Grow My Business

Ruth C.

- Global Fashion Ecommerce - 

"Emma makes you feel instantly relaxed and her knowledge clearly is vast. The time spent with her was invaluable."


What's Included:

   Private zoom call experience with Emma (recorded for your records).

  7 days of Client Helpdesk access for implementation questions

 A 3 year plan for growth which you can print out, share with your team and pin on your wall!

 A detailed 90 Day Sprint plan with immediate actions you should prioritise right now to grow your business and drive sales

 Audio recording of the full session

 Session “Flip chart notes”, capturing extra discussions, ideas and insights.

 Calls are recorded, and the recording will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your session (via dropbox).

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What Clients Say...

best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk Growing my ecommerce business,


"There are many business experts but in my opinion, Emma Blake is the real deal. She has a powerful and empowering mindset, smart and got to the problem in my business quickly, offering step by step solutions on how to fix the problem in my business. After the session, I had a clear strategy on how to solve the challenges which truly empowered me. I know if I apply the strategies she gave me, I am on my way to building a more robust and successful business.”

See more Client testimonials

The Investment

If you’re already selling products to customers and you don't have a business plan for the next 90 Days, never mind the next 3 years, it will cost you a FORTUNE to miss this.

This is your chance to secure a 1-2-1 Half Day Strategy Session with Emma.  Get a crystal clear plan to grow your business over the next 3 years AND get clear, actionable steps to start implementing over the next 90 days (i.e. the next quarter). All for;

an Investment Of £1500 +VAT

(credit cards accepted)

Payment Icons - business plan for ecommerce business
Book This Workshop Now

Are there any bonuses?

You bet! This Bonus has been created to help you create unstoppable momentum (and keep it).

We’re going to give you a FREE 30 minute, private 1:1 accountability coaching call with Emma following the strategy session to support you and check that you are getting traction.

That's a tonne of value. The going rate for Emma's best selling monthly coaching package is £1000+ per month because Emma has a knack for spotting opportunities hiding in plain sight, providing a clear sense of direction and mentoring for success.

We’ll do that FREE follow up accountability coaching together on a Zoom call.

business plan for ecommerce business best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk
Get clear on how to grow my business products globally how to plan for growth

Is there a guarantee?

There is.

We believe in earning our keep and keeping our promises to people.

We won't finish the session until we have created the hard outputs - a 3 Year Growth Plan for your business AND a 90 Day Sprint plan with practical steps and activities that you feel you can implement immediately.

  Book Your FREE Call
ecommerce business plan best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor uk

So in summary you are getting...


  • Tangible Outputs; A clear strategic direction and a 3 year roadmap for growth
  • A 90 Day Sprint Plan full of actions for you to implement immediately.
  • Confidence to revive, grow and transform your journey
  • Know what to prioritise next
  • Know where exactly to invest your hard earned money.
  • Access to deep experience - practical insight from real life lessons learned the hard way
  • Rapid diagnostic during the session - getting to the issues fast.
  • Plus more diagnostic tools and step by step methods you can use after the session. 
  • Fresh ideas and opportunities you haven't previously considered - supporting business development and product strategy decision making. 
  • An external facilitator and independent review or what's working and what's not.
  • Your very own board level "Cheerleader" / mentor behind the scenes.

Burning questions your fellow business owners asked before booking a Strategy Workshop:

If you are thinking "this sounds amazing but I'm not 100% sure"...

- then keep reading...


As CEO and Founder, it’s a very lonely job.  It is not unusual on the journey to feel a lack of confidence to grow your business or a wobble in courage when making an investment into the unknown.  

You should give a business strategy workshop a shot if you are motivated by any of the following:

  • You just can't see what's next for your business or what's possible. 
  • You've come to a tipping point / a cross roads and need to decide what's next.
  • You feel you might be lacking the experience or skills necessary to execute at this next growth stage.
  • You haven't grown a business before at this scale, you need a business plan and you are savvy enough to realise that don't know what you don't know.
  • You feel stuck in the cycle of not knowing how to grow your business, not knowing what will work or what to prioritise or where best to invest their money.
  • You are procrastinating rather than fixing the issues or being bold and pivoting.
  • You are ready for a step change in how you look at your own business
  • You would value genuine help from a trusted business advisor and insight with a fresh, independent point of view.
  • You are ready for a revival of energy, and the chance to explore what's possible for you.
  Book Your FREE Call

A note from Emma:

" I love finding self funded product creators and retailers, who are ready to unlock their business growth, and discover why customers aren’t yet buying their product at the rate or scale they dream of.  I help you conquer that lack of growth and create a clear roadmap for what to do next ….

After working with hundreds of clients just like you, I know that you are struggling at this stage in your journey, frustrated, and maybe even starting to feel like a failure when it comes to your sales results – you want to achieve more and I know first-hand, how hard it is to have courage, to keep going and to re-invest your hard-earned money to get next level growth.

Together, on this strategy workshop I will show you how building a business that rewards you for your efforts and for what you are worth, is almost impossible to achieve by putting your head in the sand and peddling harder …

...Or by using clueless advisors and agencies who haven’t actually grown their own business themselves or spent their own hard earned money.

Instead, we have to use practical steps and proven methods that truly work to grow your business.

I can't wait to see you in the Strategy Workshop and show you these proven methods, as we create your plan for growth.  It's time to jump-start your product sales and get a clear, personalised roadmap, so that you know what to prioritise and exactly how to achieve genuine growth in your business…

Emma Blake best female business coach UK and eCommerce mentor

Are you ready to work on the RIGHT things that actually get you results in your business?

We know you are.

  Book Your FREE Call

If your budget doesn't currently stretch to working with us 1-2-1, checkout our best-selling DIY Strategy Workshop Toolkit which includes workshop presentation templates, agenda, facilitation notes and handy worksheets for our 5 strategy workshop exercises. Find out more here:

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